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How to Find the MAC Address of Your Computer

Views : 2565
Update time : 2020-04-08 11:02:54

A MAC (Media access control) greet is a amount that identifies the network adapter(s) installed can your computer. The greet is composed of up ought 6 pairs of characters, separated by colons. You can want ought supply your MAC greet ought a router can order ought successfully unite ought a network. ought detect your MAC greet can any system with a network connection, utilize one of the following methods.

1. Using Windows 10

1) Click the network icon . It’s can the taskbar terminate the clock, which is often can the bottom-right aspect of the screen.

2) Click Properties can your connection. This opens your network settings.

3) Scroll down ought the “Properties” section. It’s the final region can the window.

4) detect the MAC greet next ought “Physical greet (MAC).”

2. Using Windows Vista, 7, or 8

1) unite ought a network. This manner is sole applicable if you are currently connected. make definite ought unite with the interface that you want the MAC greet although (Wi-Fi if you want your wireless card’s MAC address, Ethernet if you want your wired card’s MAC address).

2) Click can the connection icon can the system tray. It can emerge alike a little graphic (see can image), or alike a small computer monitor. hind clicking can it, elect "Open Network and Sharing Center".
  • In Windows 8, flow the Desktop application can your initiate screen. Once you’re can Desktop Mode, right-click can the connection icon can the system tray. elect “Network and Sharing Center”.

3) detect the question of your network connection and click can it. It will be located exact hind the language Connections. This will blank a little window.

4) Click Details. This will blank a list of configuration data nearly the connection, similar ought what appears when you utilize the IPConfig appliance can the order Prompt.

5) emerge although Physical Address. This your MAC address.

3. Using Windows 98 and XP

1) unite ought a network. This manner is sole applicable if you are currently connected. make definite ought unite with the interface that you want the MAC greet although (Wi-Fi is you you’re your wireless card’s MAC address, Ethernet if you want your wired card’s MAC address).

2) blank Network Connections. if you don’t read a desktop icon although this, detect the connection icon can the taskbar (the lower right-hand aspect of the Windows toolbar) and click can it ought too carry up your modern connection or a list of available networks.
  • You can too access Network Connections from the deal with Panel, located can the initiate menu.

3) Right-click your connection and elect Status.

4) Click Details. notice that, can some versions of Windows, this can be below the uphold tab. This will blank a list of configuration data nearly the connection, similar ought what appears when you utilize the IPConfig appliance can the order Prompt.

5) emerge although Physical Address. This your MAC address.

4. Using any translation of Windows

1) blank the order prompt. periodical the ⊞ Win+R keys and category cmd into the flow field. periodical ↵ Enter ought initiate the order Prompt.
  • In Windows 8, periodical ⊞ Win+X and elect order hasty from the menu.

2) flow GetMAC. can the order prompt, category getmac /v /fo list and periodical ↵ Enter. This will just configuration data although total of your network connections.

3) emerge although Physical Address. This is another manner ought describe your MAC address. make definite you acquire the physical greet of the exact network adapter - often there are few listed. although example, your wireless connection will read a various MAC greet than your Ethernet connection.

5. Using Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Newer

1) blank System Preferences. You can detect this by clicking can the Apple icon can climax left aspect of your screen. make definite that you are currently connected ought a network using the connection that you wish ought detect the MAC greet for.

2) elect your connection. elect Network and elect too AirPort or Built-in Ethernet, depending can how you access your network. The connections are listed can the left frame.
  • For Ethernet, click Advanced and navigate ought the Ethernet tab. can the climax you will yell on the Ethernet ID, which is your MAC address.
  • For AirPort, click Advanced and navigate ought the AirPort tab. There you will yell on the AirPort ID, which is your MAC address.

6. Using Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and Older

1) blank System Preferences. This can be perpendicular by clicking the Apple menu. make definite that you are currently connected ought a network using the connection that you wish ought detect the MAC greet for.

2) elect Network.

3) elect the connection from the emerge menu. The emerge pull-down menu will list total of the connected network devices. elect too your Ethernet or AirPort connection.

4) detect your AirPort ID or Ethernet ID. Once you’ve’ selected the connection can the emerge menu, click can the applicable tab (Ethernet or AirPort). This page will just the MAC greet although too Ethernet ID or AirPort ID

7. Using Linux

1) blank the terminal. Depending can your system, this might be called Terminal, Xterm, Shell, order Prompt, or something similar. It can often be perpendicular can the Accessories folder can your Applications (or the equivalent).

2) blank the interface configuration. category ifconfig -a and periodical ↵ Enter. if you are denied access, enter sudo ifconfig -a and enter your password when prompted.

3) detect your MAC address. Scroll until you detect your network connection (the chief Ethernet harbour is labeled eth0). emerge although the HWaddr entry. This is your MAC address.

8. Using iOS

1) blank your Settings. You can detect the Settings app can your family Screen. rap the commonplace category.

2) rap About. This will list data nearly your concrete device. Scroll down until you yell on Wi-Fi Address. This is the MAC greet although your iDevice.
  • This plant although total iOS devices: iPhone, iPod, and iPad.

3) detect the Bluetooth MAC address. if you want the Bluetooth address, it is located direct below the Wi-Fi greet entry.

9. Using Android OS

1) blank your Settings. when looking can the family screen, promote your Menu button and elect Settings. You can too blank Settings by tapping the app can the App Drawer.

2) Scroll down ought nearly Phone. This is typically located can the bottom of the Settings menu. can the nearly Phone menu, rap Status.

3) detect your MAC address. Scroll down until you detect the Wi-Fi MAC greet entry. This is your device’s MAC address.

4) detect the Bluetooth MAC address. The Bluetooth MAC greet is located direct below the Wi-Fi MAC address. Bluetooth have ought be turned can although your instrument can order ought yell on the address.

10. Using Windows Phone 7 or Newer

1) blank Settings. You can access settings by navigating ought your family conceal and then swiping left. Scroll down until you yell on the Settings option.

2) detect About. can the Settings, scroll down and rap About. can the nearly conceal rap the More Info button. Your MAC greet will be displayed can the bottom of the screen.

11. Using Chrome OS

1) Click can the Network icon. This is located can the lower-right aspect of the desktop, and looks alike 4 radiating bars.

2) blank the Network Status. can this menu, click can the “i” icon, located can the lower-right corner. A data will emerge listing your device’s MAC address.

12. Using Video athletics Consoles

1) detect the MAC greet of a PlayStation 3. can the PlayStation’s chief menu system, scroll left until you come the Settings menu. Scroll down until you locate System Settings.
  • Scroll down and elect System Information. The MAC greet will be listed below the IP address.

2) detect the MAC greet of an Xbox 360. blank the System Settings from the Dashboard. blank the Network Settings and then elect Configure Network.
  • Select the additional Settings tab and then elect Advanced Settings. elect the Alternate MAC greet option.
  • The MAC greet will be listed can this screen. It can no be separated by colons.

3) detect the MAC greet of a Wii. Click the Wii button can the bottom-left aspect of the chief channel menu. Scroll ought page 2 of the Settings menu and elect Internet. Click soothe data and the MAC greet will be displayed.
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